LehmanBush has been on the cutting edge of environmental advisory including providing carbon credits solutions. Environmental integrity has become a central concern for organizations of all sizes and sectors. Consumers, regulatory bodies and business partners are all helping to shape how companies are rewarded or held accountable for their ecological footprint. The consequences of this increased attention are being felt in the marketplace, in the form of national and international regulations and all along the supply chain. Our experts know that policies related to environmental protection are most effective when integrated into the fabric of how a company operates at all levels and in all capacities. Our comprehensive services enable your company to consider its actions and take steps holistically. Our environmental consultants and auditors look not only at compliance, but also at how your company can increase efficiency. We support your efforts with external advisors who share their expertise on-site, getting to know your business’s challenges and strengths and crafting workable solutions in areas such as waste management, waste water issues or emissions. If your sector requires environmental appraisals, assessments or permits, our specialists can lend an experienced hand. From due diligence to emissions reports, we excel in all aspects of environmental consulting and look forward to helping our clients toward a sustainable, responsible future.
Worldwide economic progress has resulted in tremendous environmental issues, which also present opportunities in the form of carbon credits. LehmanBush provides project sourcing customized to meet the client’s individual needs and requirements and create a win-win scenario with advising, planning, trading carbon credits. LehmanBush performs leading project due diligence, strategic market assessment, and detailed cost analyses to source projects in an efficient manner, bringing optimal value to projects and clients. The LehmanBush team can help identify, vet, and develop forest carbon projects to meet client requirements and drive a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
LehmanBush can help provide detailed, expert advice on a project’s potential through technical assessments, due diligence, and financing requirements. How the process works: (1) Submit your Project; (2) Project Assessment and Due Diligence; (3) Project Documentation and Project Validation Audit; (4) Project Registration; (5) Project Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification; (6) Issuance of Verified Emission Reductions (Carbon Offset Credits); (7) Carbon Credit Sales. We can undertake detailed, feasibility studies on a range of projects with the goal of securing the role of the primary project developer. These projects are to be eventually validated and verified to the American Carbon Registry (ACR), the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), and/or the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCBS). Our team seeks to target ecosystem restoration projects of approximately 10,000+ hectares and forest conservation projects of approximately 30,000 – 500,000 hectares.
LehmanBush can provide forest carbon project development, and origination services under the leading carbon market standards and approved methodologies. Our full-service, forest carbon project development services with experience in originating, implementing, and commercializing forest carbon projects under the leading carbon market standards and approved methodologies. The LehmanBush team offers technical assistance to forest conservation, management, and restoration projects to avoid, reduce, and remove GHG emissions beyond a business-as-usual scenario. Such technical assistance includes but is not limited to designing and overseeing forest carbon inventories; undertaking all carbon accounting work; satellite imagery analysis and classification work; designing and implementing community and biodiversity impact monitoring plans; and developing forest growth/carbon sequestration curves, along with developing deforestation baselines.
LehmanBush delivers full-service, executive-level support with project validation, along with support for the ongoing monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of projects, and project management services throughout the project lifetime. Such project management services include ongoing biodiversity and community monitoring, carbon accounting work, and corrective action requests (CARs) raised by the validation and verification bodies (VVBs).
LehmanBush believes that verified emission reductions (also known as carbon offsets or carbon credits) will be vital in meeting carbon emission reduction goals. By supplying high volume, high quality verified emission reductions to the carbon markets to generate carbon revenues and to accelerate forest conservation and restoration work. We provide full carbon sale services, including dentification and qualification of potential buyers, counter-party (KYC) assessments, negotiation and development of Verified Emission Reduction Purchase Agreements (VERPAs), management of registry accounts and credit transfers, and ongoing buyer/client relationship management. To support these efforts, we provide ongoing insights and guidance to local landowners and organizations.
LehmanBush provide carbon finance to local communities, private landowners, and other Partners. This includes nature-based solutions (NbS) which are actions that protect, manage, and sustainably restore the natural ecosystem, along with supporting the social development goals in achieving human well-being as well as biodiversity benefits. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), climate-smart forestry, regenerative agriculture, restoring wetlands, and coastal habitat restoration are key initiatives that enable natural processes which lead to fewer greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere. These activities are most seen in rural areas at local community levels in forests, agriculture, and wetlands protection. The benefits of nature-based solutions can be seen in climate mitigation, adaptation, socioeconomic development, along with sustainable environmental practices.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development projects that nature-based solutions could accomplish: 37% of cost-effective and efficient reductions in the greenhouse gases by 2030 (IISD, 2021). Reduction in biodiversity loss by approximately 50%; Creation of 395 million jobs subsequently providing approximately USD 10 trillion worth of business opportunities in 2030. LehmanBush partners with organizations to develop strategic, long-term, nature-based solutions to help manage and restore forests and natural ecosystems around the world. We believe in strategic collaborations that assist forest owning communities who share our deep and unwavering commitment to conserving and restoring natural ecosystems. LehmanBush brings professional experience working with over a dozen countries — building and strengthening coalitions amongst stakeholders with a vision to bring conservation finance to local landowners and rural communities.